Mental Health Matters

The Peaceful Wolf
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2021


Photo by Matthew Ball on Unsplash

It’s just like a computer
what is a computer without its software?
what is a mind like without health?
it would be desolate.

like a carrot on a stick,
everything feels hopeless
you grind your teeth and wait for it all to be gone
but it’s still there, tormenting you

like a thousand needles,
it tortures you forever.
it never goes away by itself
and it will never go away by itself.

you can’t fight back at that moment
everything seems out of your control
nothing will ever make sense
you are too weak, even to do the smallest thing.

in the middle of a thunderstorm,
being carried away by the winds
uprooting trees and destroying windows,
and a tornado ripping things apart

dark, gloomy skies,
heavy rains,
loud thunders,
blinding lightning,

it deteriorates you,
from inside out.
manifesting physically,
preventing you from living.

no matter how many drops of tears flood the ground,
it can never be just shrugged off
it will backfire as you try
but with help, your world will turn around.

the mind is a very good servant,
but a terrible master.
no magic trick will make mental health better,
but help definitely can.

and, gradually, everything changes.

the thunderstorm stops,
the tornado subsides,
the clouds clear up,
the sun shines brighter,

the trees become greener,
colorful flowers bloom,
grass grows lush and green,
and birds chirp happily.

life is worth living,
there is fun everywhere,
nothing is lacking,
serenity and peace abides all day.

what more does one want
other than inner peace?
calm, happy, and serene,
they abide.

if a storm comes, it goes away
if it rains, it clears up again.
if it thunders, it subsides
if it gets gloomy, clouds soon clear.

it’s not a linear road,
but it’s one worth taking,
and more importantly,
it’s a trip to enjoy.



The Peaceful Wolf

I am a self-taught poet and I write articles about everything self-improvement and psychology related.